Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Comparing light scattering techniques for biologics development

SLS and DLS are robust investigative methods broadly utilized in the biopharmaceutical sector to characterize solution properties of colloidal drug delivery systems, macromolecules, nanoparticles, and viral vectors.
Static light scattering

SLS includes multi-angle light scattering and right-angle light scattering, techniques that calculate the precise values of the molecular weight, weight-average molecular weight, and the radius of gyration of target macromolecules.
Biopharmaceutical applications

SLS has many uses throughout the biopharmaceutical industry, including:Aggregation and degradation propensity disposition
Bioconjugate stability evaluation
Biopolymer characterization, e.g. bioconjugates, macromolecular complexes, peptides, proteins, RNA
Dynamic light scattering

DLS calculates temporal fluctuations in scattered light intensity to verify hydrodynamic radius size, polydispersity, and macromolecule stability in solution.
Biopharmaceutical applications

DLS has numerous use cases in the biopharmaceutical industry, including:Biologic formulation development
Colloidal stability analysis
Nanoparticle characterization
Quality control
Static vs. dynamic light scattering

SLS and DLS rely on the behavior of scattered light but offer corresponding data regarding investigative samples.

SLS verifies colloidal stability and offers precise values of molar mass, weight-average molecular weight, and radius of gyration of all biologic classes.

DLS is ideal for categorizing colloidal dispersions, macromolecules, and nanoparticles and calculates the polydispersity and hydrodynamic radius of macromolecules and macromolecular complexes in solution. It does not precisely verify absolute molecular weight or molecular weight distributions, only size.
SLS and DLS are corresponding methods

Combining SLS and DLS data offers a broader stability environment for target molecules and complexes. The two techniques are often employed together to better understand the biophysical and solution properties of all biologics.

The ARGEN platform utilizes SLS in a patented formation to enable faster biopharmaceutical development. ARGEN complements R&D instrument portfolios and swiftly evaluates biopolymer stability landscapes during early-phase formulation development.
Utilizing ARGEN to accelerate biopolymer formulation R&D

ARGEN is a patented SLS tool used in biopolymer research to overcome critical challenges. The platform is the equivalent of having multiple static light scattering devices in one benchtop instrument.

ARGEN provides accelerated in-situ, real-time stability monitoring, manufacturing stress modeling, shelf-life determination, and rapid parallel analysis, enabling more efficient formulation development.

Its features include:Real-time stability monitoring
Kinetics of Oligomeric State Transitions
Bioprocessing stress modeling
Parallel analysis
Low-temperature analysis
Time reduction
Quality control and process development

These capabilities can create more stable and reliable biopolymer formulations, accelerating biopharma R&D efforts and reducing the time and resources spent on unsuccessful candidates.

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