A new study examined how quantum critical metals, which behave unusually under low temperatures, challenge conventional physics theories.
The research reveals that these metals experience significant changes at quantum critical points, potentially informing the development of high-temperature superconductors.
Strange Metals and Quantum Fluctuations
A recent study led by Rice University physicist Qimiao Si sheds light on the mysterious behavior of quantum critical metals — materials that break the usual rules of physics at low temperatures. Published on December 9 in Nature Physics, the research explores quantum critical points (QCPs), where materials hover between two distinct states, such as being magnetic or nonmagnetic. These findings help explain the unique properties of these metals and offer new insights into high-temperature superconductors, which conduct electricity without resistance at relatively high temperatures.
At the heart of the study is quantum criticality, a state where materials become extremely sensitive to quantum fluctuations — tiny disruptions that change how electrons behave. While most metals follow well-established physical laws, quantum critical metals defy these expectations, displaying unusual and collective behaviors that have puzzled scientists for decades. Physicists refer to these systems as “strange metals.”
Role of Quasiparticles in Quantum Metals
“Our work dives into how quasiparticles lose their identity in strange metals at these quantum critical points, which leads to unique properties that defy traditional theories,” said Si, the Harry C. and Olga K. Wiess Professor of Physics and Astronomy and director of Rice’s Extreme Quantum Materials Alliance.
Quasiparticles, representing the collective behavior of electrons acting like individual particles, play a crucial role in energy and information transfer in materials. However, at QCPs, these quasiparticles vanish in a phenomenon known as Kondo destruction. Here magnetic moments in the material cease their usual interaction with electrons, dramatically transforming the metal’s electronic structure.
This change is evident in the Fermi surface, a map of possible electron states within the material. As the system crosses the QCP, the Fermi surface abruptly shifts, significantly altering the material’s properties.
Exploring Universal Behaviors
The study extends beyond heavy fermion metals — materials with unusually heavy electrons — to include copper oxides and certain organic compounds. All of these strange metals exhibit behaviors that defy traditional Fermi liquid theory, a framework used to describe electron motion in most metals. Instead, their properties align with fundamental constants such as Planck’s constant, governing the quantum relationship between energy and frequency.
Implications for Advanced Superconductors
The researchers identified a condition called dynamical Planckian scaling, where the temperature dependence of electronic properties mirrors universal phenomena like cosmic microwave background radiation and the radiation of the “black body” that approximates the behavior of stars. This discovery underscores a shared organizational pattern across various quantum critical materials, offering insights into creating advanced superconductors.
Quantum Transitions in New Materials
The research implications extend to other quantum materials, including iron-based superconductors and those with intricate lattice structures. One example is CePdAl, a compound where the interplay of two competing forces — the Kondo effect and RKKY interactions — determines its electronic behavior. By studying these transitions, scientists hope to decode similar phenomena in other correlated materials, where complex interelectronic relationships dominate.
Observing how these forces shape the material at QCPs could help scientists better understand transitions in other correlated materials or those with complex interelectronic relationships.
Reference: “Quantum critical metals and loss of quasiparticles” by Haoyu Hu, Lei Chen and Qimiao Si, 9 December 2024, Nature Physics.
DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02679-7
This research, co-authored by Haoyu Hu and Lei Chen from Rice’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, Extreme Quantum Materials Alliance and Smalley-Curl Institute, was supported by the National Science Foundation, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Robert A. Welch Foundation, Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship and European Research Council.
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